Keeping our seas alive
We're not sure if you've noticed already but we are big advocates of keeping our sea's in the best possible condition they can be so the wildlife thrives and we are able to enjoy these natural wonders...
We have two main mission goals, and we'd love you to know more about them...

Leading by example...
At every event Kraken Dive Team go to, we ask every participant to make a Planet Pledge, one small change they will commit to making in their day to day lives to help save the planet!

Lots of our team are Green Fins accredited. Green Fins is the international standard for environmentally friendly diving and snorkelling.
Green Fins give divers a score on how respectful of the environment they are diving in and gives indicators on how they can better themselves to ensure they do not cause any undue harm to the environment.
To learn more about Green Fins click here...
Want to help look after our seas?
We are building up our own army of Kraken ocean advocates for our planets waters.
There are plenty of ways to get involved in looking after our oceans and seas, and there are lots of amazing organisations leading the charge!
We've compiled a great list of national and international bodies who are leading in the mission to look after our waters, why don't you check them out below...