Kraken's top 10 tips for reducing your plastic use
We can all agree that the world needs a little bit less plastic in it...
We're pretty sure animals don't want to suffer the consequences of using plastic and nor do we, so we've made a handy little list to help change the ways plastic is used.

Change your brush...
Swap your plastic toothbrush for a bamboo one.
Your teeth will be just as clean and you'll be reducing your plastic use.

Bars not bottles...
You know that bottle of soap you buy?
Why not by a bar instead and save a huge amount of plastic...

Re-use that bottle...
Buy a reusable water bottle and stop buying bottled water.
You'll save yourself loads of money in the long run.

espresso to change...
Do you get coffee on the go?
Why not buy a re-usable cup, most coffee shops give you discount when you use your own cup.

we've had the last straw...
Say no to plastic straws...
There's paper straws instead, however if you don't like them or cant use them, try a re-usable metal straw.

pack your bags...
Build a collection of re-usable bags.
Not only will it cost you less, but you'll be using less plastic.
Put down your forks...

Quit using plastic cutlery...
Either try to use disposable wooden cutlery or ultimately by a re-usable biodegradable cutlery set.

Don't wrap it...
B0o to clingfilm, its not recyclable!
Try to use tinfoil or a lunchbox, they are both much more friendlier to the earth.

Love a sparkle...
Love glitter? Don't worry we do too...
Did you know theres plant based alternatives, don't worry they're just as shiny!

Ditch the beads...
We know we love to make ourselves feel good and look good, but don't buy anything with micro-beads.
They are making there way into the food chain!